7 Day Cabbage Soup Diet Plan

cabbage soup dietMake sure your soup is tasty by adding a packet of our pre-measured Cabbage Soup Seasonings. Remember this: The Cabbage Soup Diet is not suitable for long-term weight loss. The Diet is a low-fat, high-fiber diet that will help you get into shape fast but over the long-term you’ll need to exercise and adhere to a healthy and balanced diet.

cabbage soup diet

Try eating three bananas with milk at breakfast. A bowl of cabbage soup makes a good mid-morning snack along with some milk. Lunch can be two bowls of cabbage soup with three bananas and milk. A mid-afternoon snack can be two bananas and supper can be two bowls of cabbage soup with all the bananas and milk you desire. The fifth day introduces protein into your diet. Add the spices, leave it for another ten minutes, and add the pepper and the green. A disadvantage would be that you might feel hungry. There will be a huge difference between the allowed meals in this diet and the meals you used to eat. Some people complained of weakness, dizziness, and lack of concentration because of this diet. You may also consume potatoes, vegetables, meat, and juice. For instance, on Monday you may consume fruits, except bananas. Tuesday you may eat raw vegetables along with the cabbage soup.