Best Exercise To Lose Weight

best exercise to lose weightSometimes the hardest thing about an exercise routine is sticking to it. By regularly playing a sport that you enjoy, you can avoid this problem and help yourself to lose weight quickly, obviously depending on the type of sport and the intensity with which you participate. For instance, playing squash is going to help you lose weight quicker than say golf. Go for long brisk walks and try to improve your times as you progress. My uncle suffered from heart and weight problems and was literally at death's door. The doctors advised him to change his diet and begin taking regular walks every day, so he did. Today, he is in much better shape and continues to get up early in the morning and walk for a good couple of hours.

best exercise to lose weightYour calorie intake can be lowered simply by substituting high calorie food like doughnuts, soda, and steak with healthier options such as apples, grapefruit juice, and whole grain pasta. Calories, on the other hand, can simply be burned by any type of activity. Of course, the more you active you will be the more calories you burn. This is very easy once you get the hang of it, and will turn anything you do into one of your best exercises to lose weight. Start your favorite activity by doing it at a normal or moderate pace to warm up for a few minutes. Then for 60 seconds I want you to increase your pace to the point where it's double or even triple the speed as you do normally. After that 60 seconds are up, go back to the slower more moderate pace for a minute and repeat the slow/fast/slow/fast cycle for a total of 20 minutes.

  • Bent-over rows

  • 400 m sprints for 10 times

  • 100 m sprint X 5

  • 1 minutes hard

  • Abdominal crunches

Regular exercise and increased physical activity helps a lot in shedding excess body fat. One of the best, if not the best exercise, used by professional athletes and models to lose weight are aerobic exercises. Aerobic means 'with oxygen' and fat needs oxygen to burn completely so in order to burn fat while exercising, you body needs to be adequately supplied with oxygen. Aerobic exercises may be in the form of dancing, sports, or repetitive rhythmic movements designed to target specific muscle groups in the body. Examples of aerobic exercises are: step aerobics, bicycling, swimming, running, rowing, and walking.

These are great because they are low stress on the hips and knee joints.

Hook up with a friend and commit to walking your neighborhood each night. Walk at a quicker pace than you normally would to get your heart pumping and the calories burning. 2. Running/jogging - if you've never run before start slowly. It's a good idea to walk first (a block or two) then jog a block, then run a block then jog until your body adapts to the new form of exercise and you can run further distances. Keep alternating like this until you build your tolerance up. 3. Elliptical Machine - you can purchase one of these for home use or join your local gym (most gyms will have these machines). These are great because they are low stress on the hips and knee joints. You can also pump your arms at the same time you are moving your legs. You can modify the resistance level to meet your current level of fitness. The combination arm and leg movement causes you to burn more calories in a shorter period of time compared to running or walking.