Bodyweight Back Exercise

bodyweightOne of my best body parts is my back. I personally have gotten better results with this movement than with pullups and chinups, which are the most common back exercises you can do with your bodyweight. I like to do horizontal pulls at a local park with a swing set. Grab the bottom of the swing. Lean back, keeping your body straight, and your heels wedged into the floor.

  • Eccentric - Lowering portion of the movement (example: lowering yourself during a pushup)

  • Pushups, 3x10, 60 seconds rest between each set

  • Isometric - Position held for time (example: holding the bottom position of a squat)

  • Pullups, 3x5, 60 seconds rest between each set

  • Pullups, 5 reps

  • 3 rounds of

  • Go back to pushups

Tempo refers to the speed at which you perform a movement. Since we're trying to increase our TUT per movement, we will have to slow down the movements considerably. This article had a lot of brand new concepts which were introduced. But to review, what we are simply doing here is using the superset method and increasing the TUT of a bodyweight movement by decreasing the tempo of a movement. Start using some of these concepts into your current program to convert them from fat burning workouts to mass building routines.

First time I did it I managed 60 of these bodybuilders and thought about never doing them again.

bodyweightElevate yourself off the ground, onto the base of your toes, making sure to keep your back and legs as straight as possible, and contracting your abdominals to hold you in place. Initially I would suggest aiming for at least 20-30 seconds, as you progress and your strength improves, a minute and longer is a good target. First time I did it I managed 60 of these bodybuilders and thought about never doing them again. But, there was no way that was going to happen I was on my own mission to do 100 in 10 minutes and accomplished it. What made me want to know more about these and the fact that the author of the book left out the feared 8 counts out of the workout section because how brutal they are. I liked that. If he left it out because he hated them I wanted to do them.

Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull yourself forward on the floor, trying to stay as flat to the floor as you can as you do so. Do it: For this one, you’re actually going to do the same thing as you would with the knee raises exercise. Do it: Lay on the floor with your legs and arms straight. You will recognise some of these exercises, but I suspect were never shown any particularly useful routines or programs that are necessary to give you a total body workout. Why not test the following routine, and see what it does for you. It could be the beginning of a new you. Squats - stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and squat down as though sitting on a chair, pause at the bottom, and rise powerfully. Push-ups/ press-ups - assume the standard press-up position and go for 20-30 repetitions. If you feel that this is difficult, bring your knees to the floor and do the assisted press-up. Again aim to do 20 repetitions.

So, train yourself for these real world challenges by using dumbbells as your weighted resistance. The furthest away from real world training you can get is using gym machines. Being strapped into these machines train muscles, not movements and make only small improvements to real world abilities. You do want to perform great outside the gym don't you, As you can see, the combination of bodyweight calisthenics and dumbbells is perfect for training the body to move both in weighted and unweighted situations.