Calories To Lose Weight

how many calories to lose weight
All exercise counts and it all adds up to be the best weight loss diet! The moral here is to lose weight most effectively so it will stay off and not come back; the loss needs to be slow and steady to allow your system to get used to the new you. Once you establish your current daily calorie intake try reducing it by 500 calories a day to start. You will start to lose weight and you will still retain your health.

This is because men have a greater percentage of lean muscle in their body, whereas women have less.

how many calories to lose weight
The gender factor makes a difference. Men generally need 5-10% more calories than women. This is because men have a greater percentage of lean muscle in their body, whereas women have less. Someone that has a more physical job, will have higher calorie needs - Working out minimum 3 times a week is a good amount. You will notice that your physical activity will increase, thus making you burn more calories. The food that you eat is crucial when referring to calories.

And a person who eats a balanced diet will not put on weight as quickly as someone who gets every meal from a fast-food outlet. Fourth, the usual recommendations for daily calorie intake are 2000 kcal for women and 2500 kcal for men. If you are particularly short / tall / fine-boned / muscular / active / sedentary your calorie needs could easily be very different.

  1. 655 + (4.3 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
  2. 13 if you do light exercise (1 to 2 hours per week) (most of us)
  3. Start your day with some stretches - 5 minutes are just enough
  4. Use the stairs instead of the elevator
  5. 17 if you do heavy exercise (6 or more hours per week)
  6. Switch to a lower calorie version
  7. Reduce portion sizes
  8. Moderately active - exercising for 30 minutes about 3-4 times a week
I am often asked how many calories can I consume and still lose weight. Not surprisingly, the answer is, "it depends". It depends on a variable called your Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR. Simply, BMR is how many calories you can burn at rest per day. You may not know this, but your body burns about 60% of your calorie intake just doing normal body functions like breathing. You need to know your BMR and then cut calories from that number to lose weight. To learn how to calculate BMR please visit the link in the author box.