- Start your day with any variety of Special K cereal with 2/3 cup of skim milk plus fruit
- For snacks, choose from fresh fruits and vegetables or a Special K Bars
- Special K snack bar or protein water in between
- You’re more likely to lose weight if that breakfast is Special K cereal
- To maintain good health, you must eat cereals supplemented with fruits and vegetables
- Low-calorie breakfast cereal
- Crunchy Nut Cornflakes

Other then that there are another few drawbacks I find annoying: It's boring. I don't know about you, but eating cereal all day and a few vegetables doesn't sound too good to me. It won't sedate your hunger. Special K cereal actually have a high glycemic index, Which basically means that it will make you even hungrier. There are much better sorts of food that have low calorie intake and won't keep your belly rumbling all day long. Special K diet doesn't have a very high nutrition value.
Temporary solution. This challenge is a temporary solution at its core.
Portion control. The success of this challenge is attributed mainly to the fact that it allows for strict calorie control for two meals. With this system in place, it would be hard for a dieter not to lose at least 1 pound per week. Serving size. Though many people are cool with skimping on meals from time to time, many participants of this diet complain that the serving portion is too little. Temporary solution. This challenge is a temporary solution at its core. Digestive disorders such as gas, bloating, stomach cramps and diarrhea may occur if you are lactose intolerant. This diet contains a variety of dairy products, so if you have lactose intolerance, take a dietary enzyme to help with predigesting the lactose products contained in the diet. When possible, use nondairy substitutes when the diet calls for milk. Digestive reactions usually will occur within the first few minutes after a meal.