Hi Carter, I Totally Get The Need For A Weight Loss Goal For Motivation

My last 30 years of life shows a different history of weight loss goals, with motivated trainers and all. Most of us who get morbidly obese have real food issues. Weight loss goals are most often tied to pictures of eating what we’ve been withholding, which falls right in line with craving, which leads to binging. Again, everyone’s different, but I’d be willing to bet a dollar to every random morbidly obese person I meet that if they attain their weight loss goal, they are more likely to end up fatter than when they started.

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weight loss motivation
The can be so easy people dismiss them. DON’T. Follow these simple suggestions and you will never feel discouraged or unmotivated regardless of what program you follow or where you are. Track you Transformation - Weight loss isn’t always obvious. You can lose ten pounds of fat and gain ten pounds of muscle, the scales will show you the same weight but you will have made incredible progress. Everyone’s weight fluctuates a bit and you should prepare for this (once you’ve reached a healthy weight). Have a ‘sliding scale’ in your mind of a couple of pounds on either side of your target weight. No one can live for long under a self-imposed, too harsh dictatorship. Sure, being healthier, fitter, and so on will have positive and maybe unexpected ripple effects. However, even as a slimmer person you’ll still have a bad day in the office, moments of self-doubt, or times when you feel undervalued.

You can start a weight loss diary by using blank pages like the form that can be downloaded from this page or you can use any notebook or diary. By using blank pages you can add your diary to the other charts from this site and keep them all in a lose leaf notebook.

This is why I am always looking for ways to biohack my health.

weight loss motivationTry something new. Boredom is a big cause of waning motivation. Change your jogging route. Hop on a bike and explore new areas of your neighborhood. Sign up for a yoga class. Get started. Don't know where or how to start, Get help from a professional like a dietitian or personal fitness trainer. This is why I am always looking for ways to biohack my health. Losing weight won’t be easy, but nothing of value ever is. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to lose weight so that you can feel healthy and happy, in body, mind, and soul, Start taking care of you. Your body is a temple. Treat it like one. Thank you for reading! If you liked this article, please give it a clap. Feel free to leave a comment below. Follow me on Instagram, Twitter or check out my website, Project Life Mastery!