How Many Calories You Need To Eat To Lose Weight

how many calories to lose weight
Your body needs them all. So, about how much calories you should eat in order to lose 1 lb/week, One pound of body fat contains approximately 3,500 calories. So, in order to burn 1 pound of fat in a week, you must have a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories, meaning a 500 calorie deficit each day. What means 500 calories deficit a day, This is a simple fact and the core of weight loss success. The amount of calories that you should consume on a daily basis causes a great deal of confusion for many of us. The amount of calories you should consume depends upon your current weight as well as your level of activity.

  • Keep healthy

  • 11 if you do little or no exercise at all

  • Lose weight

  • Moderately active - exercising for 30 minutes about 3-4 times a week

how many calories to lose weight
An average woman burns about 1,800 calories in a normal day. If I eat 1,800 calories per day, then I am maintaining my weight. If I burn that many calories, how many calories are needed to lose weight. Let's do the math: 3,500 calories over 7 days is 500 calories per day. If I can reduce my daily calories by 500 then I can lose a pound a week. Have you heard all of the myths about counting calories to lose weight. If you are asking the question how many calories do I need to eat to lose weight, then obviously you have. Well i have done a lot of research, and have found that calorie counting only works for a very short period of time.

So, by reducing our daily calorie intake by 500 calories per day we will lose 1lb of fat per week, safely and healthily. By losing the fat slowly, our bodies will adapt slowly, thus ensuring that it is easier to keep the weight off in the longer term. So, if we take our 200lb man as our example, he will need to reduce his daily calorie intake by 500 calories. If you are an outdoor worker and hardly do any sitting, you could be burning even in excess of 3,000 calories. You can get the exact number of calories that you burn by purchasing a calorie meter, an apparatus that will look like a wrist watch. Just wear it for a whole day and it will conveniently tell you how many calories you have burned.

A "calorie" is a unit of energy stored in a particular food. Foods with more energy stored in them are higher in calories than are foods with less energy. For dieters the basic rule to losing weight is that your body must burn more calories (energy) in a period of time than you put in it by eating.

The number goes up for people who weigh more, and down for those that weigh less.

A lot of people really have no idea what to do when it comes to dieting. This is pretty evident, when you consider just how many different diet plans are on the market today. The average person consumes around 2,000 calories in order to maintain their weight. The number goes up for people who weigh more, and down for those that weigh less. Also, those who live more active lifestyles need to consume more calories to maintain their weight.