Bagi sebagian orang, menurunkan berat badan hingga 2 kg atau 3 kg dalam seminggu merupakan target yang terlalu obesif, namun bagi sebagian lagi, ini merupakan target yang harus dicapai, dengan berbagai cara. Sebenarnya, target sekitar 2 kilogram per minggu tidaklah terlalu obsesif, karena hal ini bisa dicapai, salah satunya dengan menu diet seminggu tanpa nasi. Simak terus penjelasan berikut. Diet tanpa nasi bukanlah diet ekstrim, karena memang banyak dipraktekkan oleh dieter.
- Grace on December 26, 2016 at 1:36 pm said
- Flame Evermore on April 24, 2017 at 9:49 pm said
- Grace on July 22, 2017 at 9:31 pm said
- 1 Tbsp mustard
- 1 medium orange
- Pepperoni slices
- 1/3 cup slivered almonds
- Roast turkey or chicken
The lunch is supposed to be the dinner and vice vrsa. Who changed the diet menu, … I see the dinners and lunches have been switched around on at least a couple of days, Hi, I am 69 years of age, male, 5’8″ 210 lbs. My normal weight should be 180 lbs. I take low daily doses of 8 mg. You can take this either mixed into food like a sauce for example, or in the form of oat bran pancakes or oat bran gallettes (Oat Bran Pancake Recipe). You can also add it to water and drink the oat bran each day but it is very important during the Dukan Diet for weight loss and regularity to take your oat bran daily. During your Dukan Diet attack phase, you will also want to drink plenty of water and do about 25 minutes a day of exercise.
What Can I Eat on the Dukan Diet, You’ve probably heard of the Dukan Diet. The latest new diet comes from France, and is improving the world of dieting with flavorful food and a diet plan you can actually live with. Doctor Dukan came up with a plan that allows for more than flavorless cardboard processed bars and protein shakes. Figuring out how to increase my whole grain, nuts, beans, and wine intake without increasing my calories has been my biggest challenge. I also try to get 2 low fat dairy and 2 fruits per day, but I did not figure out how to do that on these menus. I still need to work on that.