Scarsdale Diet Recipes

scarsdale dietI have 3 blogs, one of them is Scarsdale Diet Recipes. Pictures from my blog are on different sites. It is easy to steal a photo to rotate it to crop it and to post it on your blog. That doesn't make it yours. I took those photos and it drives me crazy to see them on somebody elses site. Supplement the lunch with an apple. The beverage choices include coffee, tea and herbal tea. Cook an eggplant and sprinkle it with some Parmesan cheese. If you want you can also add tomato sauce. Take some green salad with the eggplant. Use only low calorie dressings for the salad. Supplement this dinner with a cup of fresh fruits.

  1. Soy sauce

  2. Fruit salad of any fruits you like

  3. Half a cup of pot/cottage cheese (low-fat and served on lettuce)

  4. Skinless roast, broiled or barbecued chicken, all visible fat removed

  5. One slice of protein bread, toasted

  6. Assorted cold cuts

  7. Grilled steak, all visible fat removed

  8. Salad of lettuce, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes (sliced or cooked)

I can’t find protein bread. This diet wasn’t to easy but in the last 6 days I have lost 10.8 pounds! I definitely got the results I wanted. I have also used this diet whenever I need to loose a few pounds. My mom used it back in the day and recommended it to me over 20 years ago. I’ve recommnded it to many friends and they love it too. Again, some fruits are not recommended for this diet, but there are still plenty of tasty ones to choose from. Turning them into an actual salad is an option but do make sure to eat lots of fruits for lunch regardless. Couple them with some more tea, coffee, or water.

Lunch is cold cuts, while dinner would have a salad along with animal protein or seafoods.

Because of this many users of the Scarsdale diet complain about low energy and being hungry. If you have an occasional sweet-tooth craving, this diet may be difficult for some because candy, desserts, ice cream and custard are not allowed. With Scarsdale an average day would be half a grapefruit, a slice of protein bread for breakfast. Lunch is cold cuts, while dinner would have a salad along with animal protein or seafoods. Provided for information only. For more than 40 years, Dr Herman Tarnower warned his patients to eat sensibly and stay trim.

scarsdale dietImproved performance is the single most common reason my clients and others adopt the diet beyond the 14-day burst, and the dramatic change in these areas comes as a great surprise to many. The Scarsdale Diet has become a great passion of mine and I invite all those interested in improving their life to try it out. Appreciate that the diet is not heavily restricting in any area of life and its benefits are both strong and numerous. Protein is also said to take longer to digest so you will feel full for longer. The idea is the body does not need all the carbohydrates we eat in the modern era, what it does is burn what we need for fuel and the excess is converted into fatty acids and stored.