Some days you just need one. It's the long run that is the most important. They say if you have had one bad eating day, it takes 3 days of eating healthy to compensate it. Just get back on the ban wagon the next day and start over. It's a cycling process that takes motivation, effort, and like I say, patience. Don't wake up and say you will eat healthy every day for the rest of your life. Wake up and say, I'm going to eat healthy TODAY.
Glycemic index of foods was developed to manage blood sugar in diabetic patients.

Most people start their day with coffee (very acidic) and food that shift the pH of the body toward the acid side. However, if you shift the pH back toward the alkaline side, you will notice your blood sugar will go down. Moreover, your cell membranes will become more sensitive to insulin - i.e. you will be LESS insulin resistant. A healthy diet can help maintain the glucose level of the body. Glycemic index of foods was developed to manage blood sugar in diabetic patients. It measures the level of rise of blood sugar with a 50-gram portion of a food as compared to a control. The carbohydrates are digested and converted in the body to glucose, which then causes a temporary rise in blood glucose levels or the glycemic response. Those foods that have their glycemic index more than 70 are rated as high, those between 56-69 as moderate, and less than 55 are rated as low.
Carbohydrates is the main source of Glucose or sugar, this is also your body's main source of energy. A 1200-1600 calorie diabetic diet works on controlling your intake of fat, protein, fat, and carbohydrates. You will have to ensure you only consume the right amount of calories per day. This will mean getting an understanding on the calorie values in each food type and portions. One gram of carbohydrates equals four calories. There is no big secret to these diabetic diet plans other than eating a healthy balanced diet.
- Never skip meals. Eat food on time
- 1 frozen banana
- Butter milk -1 cup
- Some of the Food you should avoid
- 5- Lean red meat
- Overall health
- 2 cups sliced strawberries
Most hospitals can direct you to such a class. Yes, there are many other fruits but these have an alkalizing affect of your body which may assist in a diabetic situation. A well balanced diet is essential for a person suffering from diabetes. Take the time to learn how to eat correctly, adhere to the diet you must to keep this condition under control, and exercise regularly. Learning what are the best fruits and vegetables to consume is only the beginning. All diabetic diets and a list of fruits and vegetables to eat are useless until you accept that you must follow the dietary mandates your body demands and deserves.