Work on cutting down some of the calories by reducing high-calorie foods and those foods with empty calories. It is also time to check out what is in your daily meal. Cut down on those high in saturated fats and those unhealthy fastfood snacks that are also contributing to your weight problems. Having no breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and a heavy meal in the evening (which is a common scenario) is a recipe for wildly fluctuating blood sugar levels and an increased tendency for laying down fat. 3. A common mistake that dieters make is to try and cut out all fats as they have the belief that any fat just equates to calories. 4. Even if you've not particularly interested in weight loss and nutrition, you've probably heard the saying that if you eat a 'well-balanced' diet you are likely to get all the vitamins and minerals that you need.
- 185 x 703 = 130,055
- Any fruit
- Pita bread (whole-wheat), with hummus and toasted
- Whole-grain, low-fat crackers with hummus on top
- 130,005 ÷ 4,225 = 30.78 (round up to 30.8)
- Eat good fats and avoid bad fats

You can easily find this online on the internet. This will tell you how many calories you need to stay at your current weight. So in order to gain weight you would take that number and add at least 500 additional calories to your diet. Also take into account any physical activity or exercise and increase your caloric intake accordingly. Exercise: Yes, exercise is still important even if you are trying to gain weight.
Many people believe that if they do not eat any indulging foods, they will lose weight. The truth is, you can still eat those types of foods, but in proper quantities and frequency. Another mistake people make is to eliminate some meals or food completely. This can be very dangerous because you are not getting proper nutrients.
Adding people with experience into the equation has many benefits.
It is very true that you will need to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. However, you have to make sure that you will cook with the notion of healthy weight loss in mind. You need to make sure that you will try to avoid using oils when you cook! A Personal trainer is advised in this aspect as they have good knowledge in field of muscle development. Getting advice from friends whom have attained healthy muscle mass may also be recommended. Adding people with experience into the equation has many benefits. You may find they enhance your journey guiding you along the way.