Vitamins For Energy And Weight Loss - How To Lose Weight With Vitamins

vitamins for weight loss
There are mainly six types of vitamins that are essential for our body for carrying out different functions like growth of our body, development of healthy bones and tissues and carrying out chemical reactions in our body. These include vitamin A, Vitamin B, C, D, E and K. Getting right balance of these vitamins and minerals in your diet will boost up your metabolism; provide energy and aid in weight loss. Every single vitamin of this group comprising of B 1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12 is helpful in gaining energy and achieving weight loss.

You should eat more almonds and leafy greens if you want to increase your B vitamins.

vitamins for weight lossVitamin D and Calcium helps insulin problems that lead to fat storage. Vitamin D locks into fat cells and if you’re deficient in Vitamin D then there is no Vitamin D to tell the newly formed fat cells to shrink which leads to extra fat. So without an adequate circulation of Vitamin D into the cells it will be a lot harder to keep those fat cells in check and regulated. Even though vitamins are better in pill form, they are also good in the actual food form. You should eat more almonds and leafy greens if you want to increase your B vitamins. It is also better to eat wheatgerm as a food supplement. You can simply drop one tablespoon in your breakfast smoothie if you do not like taking wheatgerm right from the spoon or in water.

You definitely don’t need to chug it or drink copious amounts of it to feel fuller and see the benefits. Beta-Glucan - This is one possible way to increase your fiber intake, and may provide assistance in losing weight. It’s soluble, meaning your body can’t digest it, so it passes through undigested and should provide a similar benefit to eating foods that are high in fiber. You don’t have to worry about being overloaded with grains like oats and barley, especially if you’re on a diet that doesn’t allow eating them.

  • Helps aid Vitamin E activities
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Strengthens the immune system and nervous systems
  • Takes a long time to heal wounds
  • Burns More Fat
  • Helps the immune system and fights the common cold
  • 8 Aug 2010, 09:08:pm
As you can see from the above list, your diet needs to be varied in order to keep up functions that assist in weight loss. This is one of the reasons why it is best to eat an assortment of foods and never go on a diet that has you eating just one or two types of foods. Until we know more, you can probably get your ODS-recommended dose of vitamin D by reaching for low-fat dairy products, juices, and cereals that have been fortified with this nutrient. Fatty fish, such as herring, mackerel, and tuna, also deliver modest doses of vitamin D. Your body produces it when you expose your skin to sunlight. Consider taking regular walks around your neighborhood to get some sunlight and exercise too. But remember, too much sun exposure can raise your risk of sunburn and skin cancer.