Weight Loss Wonder Or Waste Of Time,

special k diet
The diet consists of eating 2 bowls of Special K cereal with skimmed milk and some form of fresh fruit for two meals a day - most obviously breakfast and lunch. You can also replace one of these two meals with a Special K Protein Meal bar or Protein Shake. Your third meal you eat normally but it must consist of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, fat and fibre. Effects of the diet on those with such allergies can include rash, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, vomiting, seizure, shock and--in severe cases--death. If you have food allergies, make sure you thoroughly read the ingredients contained in the products you select for your meals on this diet. Depending on your allergies, you may be able to continue the Special K diet by limiting your use of certain foods on the diet.

It's claimed with the Special K Diet Plan you can lose as much as six pounds in about two weeks.

special k diet
We have looked at the ravishing Deepika Padukone sporting a beautiful saree and showing off her sleek waist after taking the Kellogg’s Special K Diet Challenge for 2 weeks. So what is the Special K diet challenge, Does the Special K diet really help you lose weight, If it does, is the Special K diet challenge really good for your health,

  • Special K Yoghurty

  • Reduced chances of incurring heart problems because of lesser cholesterol and calorie intake

  • Whatever snacks are usually eaten, or fruit, raw carrot or other vegetables

  • Eat your third meal of the day as you normally do

  • Start your day with any variety of Special K cereal with 2/3 cup of skim milk plus fruit

  • Higher in protein than other cereal options

  • Healthy normal dinner

However, this diet should not be carried out for more than two weeks, during which, the dieter on an average loses a jean size. Does the Special K Diet Plan Work, It's claimed with the Special K Diet Plan you can lose as much as six pounds in about two weeks. It's a high carbohydrates low fat diet, which is said to be beneficial in the long run.

Ingredients: Are they healthy,

Moreover, you can drink whatever you, but then again, water is highly recommended. The Special K diet is yet another diet that is a low-fat, high-carb diet. However, by switching your fast food lunch to a bowl of Special K, you will obviously be consuming fewer fats and calories. People will surely lose weight if they eat less and consume fewer fats and calories daily. For additional snacks, one may consume fruits and vegetables. Drinks may be consumed normally. Ingredients: Are they healthy, Rice followed by wheat gluten, and sugar are the first ingredients in Special K, original flavor. High fructose corn syrup follows closely after. So far, this says to label readers that this cereal is sugary and likely has a high glycemic index.

Let’s take a closer look on this diet. Does the Special K Diet Work, The concepts behind this diet are quite simple. You have to eat a bowl of any label of special K cereal along with 2/3 cups of skim milk. You have to eat this with a serving of fruit for just two meals daily. For your third meal, you can eat whatever you like. On the other hand, snacks could be eaten in the daytime, as long as they’re fruit, fresh vegetables or a Special K bars.