What You Should Understand About The Special K Diet Plan

special k dietYou've most likely come across the commercials from Special K and its diet plan suggesting that you could "lose up to 6 pounds in 2 weeks" yet will it really work, Kellogg's Special K has been marketing their diet plan as being a quick and risk-free plan for some time now which usually tells us it should certainly be a good program if they continue to promote it.

  • If you feel sick, stop the diet immediately
  • Lacking in essential vitamins, minerals and fibre
  • You’re more likely to lose weight if that breakfast is Special K cereal
  • Special K Yoghurty
  • Take a multi-vitamin every day to ensure you are getting your basic nutrients
  • You will have the tendency to get bored with cereals
People who participated in this study consumed an average of 1590 calories per day, which turned out to be 27% less than their normal diet. Also, their fat intake was decreased by half. To follow the Special K Diet, you will need a love of breakfast cereal. The diet calls for two bowls of Special K cereal each day, one for breakfast and the other for either lunch or dinner. In very short amount of time this highly publicized diet plan has reached the ears and plates of dieters around the states. So what is the special K diet, 1. Eat a serving (45g) of any brand of Kellogg's Special K Plus cereal with 2/3 cup skim milk and fruit for two meals a day. 2. Eat your third meal as you normally do. 3. For snacks, choose from fresh fruits and vegetables or a Special K Bars.

Besides breakfast, you can choose to replace your lunch or dinner with cereals.

For any Special K Diet, replacing a meal with cereals or protein bars can be boring and not very nutritious. Our body needs other nutrients not supplied by cereals or protein bars. Moreover, our body is designed to enjoy the variety that's even in our taste buds. Most people who were not used to eating light meals or the same type of food everyday had quit because they were not able to follow the restrictions. The choice regarding selection of meals has been left completely on dieters. Besides breakfast, you can choose to replace your lunch or dinner with cereals. You need to eat nutritionally dense foods in third meal of the day. You can have fruits, vegetables, low fat yogurt etc. in your third meal and other snacks of the day.

The link between inflammation and weight gain has been well documented.

special k diet
You do not have to eat a low calorie meal for dinner. However, you should eat only until you are satisfied and not overeat. If you have eaten your normal meal for the day at lunch, you should eat either cereal or a meal bar for dinner. Make sure that you have a low calorie drink with dinner. A state of chronic inflammation not only makes you hang onto more water weight, but it throws off hormonal balance, including the hormones that regulate hunger and metabolism. The link between inflammation and weight gain has been well documented. I remember coming across a friend who was trying to lose weight, and she was drinking a Special K Protein Shake.

If I start my day off with a carbo load, I eat like garbage for the rest of the day. I have been doing lately is making a fruit smoothie in the morning, with nonfat plain yogurt, a bit of juice and whatever fruit I feel like. Or scrambled eggs with bell pepper and some cheese. It really does help to curb the cravings. Weight loss, diarrhea, skin or intestinal lesions, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and cancer can occur in individuals who suffer from celiac sprue. Celiac sprue is an autoimmune disorder that allows gluten and other components of wheat to severely damage the intestinal lining. Gluten is present in most grains--including those featured in the Special K diet--and is used as a preservative and food stabilizer. Unlike an allergic response, you may not notice some of these symptoms until well into the disease process. If you have been diagnosed with celiac sprue, consult your doctor before beginning the Special K diet.