Embrace Mediterranean Or Nordic Diets To Cut Disease, WHO Says

mediterranean dietThe number of adults and older teens with diabetes has doubled in the past 20 years on the back of rising obesity rates, with 3.7 million people aged 17 or older now living with the disease. “All countries need to do more in terms of promoting good diets, because we have an emergency here,” Breda said. “We are not recommending any particular diet, but when countries think about the improvements they want to make, they might be inspired by these diets. If you adopt them, you save the health system money.

mediterranean diet
Let's look at Part "A" first. Over 70% of the population learns much more quickly and easily by seeing, rather then by hearing. Think about it: If you feel an urge to eat when watching television, it's because your mind recorded the video image of food in your hand, and then associated that image with the image of the TV.

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  • 7-Day Mediterranean-Diet Meal Plan

  • Cheese and yogurt are your main dairy sources

  • One or two small glasses of wine a day, at the main meals. White wine and beer are alternatives

  • Use of non-refined carbohydrates (portions to be adjusted to physical activity)

  • Try and eat your main (largest) meal as early as you can

A solid testament to this fact rests on the presence of wine in the diet. The most surprising aspect of the Mediterranean diet is that fat is regarded as a healthy dietary component. Keep in mind that it is the fat that gives food most of its flavor. Two substances, omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats, are considered to be healthy and are not restricted in the diet.

If you're a teetotaler, you shouldn't start to drink just for this diet. Eating like a Mediterranean is as much lifestyle as it is diet. Instead of gobbling your meal in front of the TV, slow down and sit down at the table with your family and friends to savor what you’re eating. Not only will you enjoy your company and your food, eating slowly allows you to tune in to your body’s hunger and fullness signals. You’re more apt to eat just until you’re satisfied than until you’re busting-at-the-seams full.

The Mediterranean diet has long been recognized as one of the healthiest ways to eat. The Mediterranean way of eating is not only delicious, it's also been linked with improved heart health and decreased obesity risk. The concept of the Mediterranean diet is simple—fill your plate with fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, legumes and fish and enjoy moderate amounts of red wine. This week's meal plan makes it even easier to follow the Mediterranean diet with seven days of fresh and healthy dinners. Download a Free Mediterranean Diet Cookbook!