Just Say NO To An 1800 Diabetic Diet

diabetic dietA few people at work had some success with Atkins, so I tried it. Although I lost weight, my blood sugar plummeted, leaving me light-headed and spacey. So I decided to modify it. I started with 50 carbs, same problem. 100 carbs a day still resulted in occasional low blood sugars, depending on the day. It seemed related to the type of carb, how much stress and sleep Id had and how much physical exercise. Its been a year now and Ive lost 85 lbs and feel GREAT! No more diabetic or blood pressure meds either!

diabetic dietIn addition, fruit contains certain types of fibers that have been proven to be beneficial to people with diabetes. By following a healthy diet you will reduce the amount of salt you eat. This in turn reduces water retention in your body, which can lead to kidney disorders, a common health problem for many people with diabetes. A healthy diet means that you are less likely to drink alcohol, which you should try and avoid altogether because of the high level of sugar that is in alcoholic beverages. 1. Insulin dependent Diabetic patient - In this case blood sugar level is controlled by insulin as it lowers the blood glucose level by stimulating the body to make use of glucose. 2. Non Insulin dependent Diabetic Patient - It occurs in adulthood and is also called as type 2 diabetes mellitus.

  • The fiber intake should be more than 5 grams
  • Brown rice / broken wheat rice/ green gram pongal/ – 1 cup
  • Exercise regularly, and
  • 5- Lean red meat
The 20-50-30 PCF ratio works well for most people who have type 2 diabetes. This ratio refers to the calories contained in protein, carbohydrates and fats. Most foods have those three nutrients. If the ratio does not work for some then there can be a reduction in the carbohydrates but perhaps not lower than 40%. Anyway what matters here is the type of carbohydrates consumed. 3-There is always that Aspartame controversy that has everyone a little scared of eating sugar-alternatives. Me and Brad researched Splenda, because I still wanted to taste sweetness on a daily basis but also heard the negative about it. All of the sugar alternatives such as Splenda, Aspartame, etc. passed the FDA and after hearing all the controversy they actually tested them again, and still passed.

What is the difference between a piece of white bread or a piece of whole wheat,

So which is which, Are carbs good or bad for you, The short answer is both. What is the difference between a piece of white bread or a piece of whole wheat, What's the difference between eating french fries or a side salad with kidney beans, spinach, tomatoes, and carrots. Well, all of them are carbohydrates, but the second answers to those questions are that they are carbs our body is needing.