South Beach Diet Recipe Resources And Articles: The South Beach Diet

south beach dietPhase 3 increases portions and teaches weight maintenance. South Beach continues with its infamous promises. The first book promised the reader up to 13 pound weight loss in the first 2 weeks and further promised the weight loss will focus on the tummy region. Experts agree that we can not target weight loss to a particular part of the body so adding the promise of faster weight loss due to twenty minutes of interval training continues the list of unsubstantiated claims.

  • 2 cups broccoli or cauliflower florets
  • 4 flour tortillas (9" or 10"). You could substitute home made flat breads such as chappattis
  • 8 Most of the people in my life would support my efforts
  • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
  • 6 Month MBG
  • 2 cups couscous ½ teaspoon of garlic powder 2 cups chopped cooked chicken
  • 4 spinach leaves or other salad greens
south beach dietFoods stuffs such as onion, parsley, wheat, and pork became fairly popular with the people of Peru. In the Amazonian region, river trout served with tropical vegetables and fruits was common. Exotic dishes are prepared from the meat of wild boars, piranhas, or monkeys. A typical herb that is used by Peruvians is aji, which is a kind of hot chili pepper that is used to spice many of the dishes. Cereals such as rice, wheat, and corn provide 70% of the food energy in terms of food groups consumed. Other sources are millets, oats, barley, and teff grass from Africa. Root crops are also important energy sources such as cassava (manioc) and potatoes. Although not often the staple food, legumes are also an important part of the human diet. Examples are peanuts, lentils, peas, and beans. Vitamins and minerals are mostly from our vegetable and fruit diets.

The first stage of the diet aims for rapid weight loss (13 lbs in two weeks). According to the UK's National Health Service (NHS), the severity of the first stage of the diet may result in the loss of some vitamins, minerals and fiber. Many sources place the South Beach Diet on lists of "low carb" diets such as the Atkins Diet. The new book also includes more vegetarian recipes and 40 new recipes over and above the original book. The diet itself has not changed much. The new book provides more food selections to choose from in Phases 1 and 2 and includes a new 2-week meal-plan for both Phases as well.

Participants who suffer with food intolerances should be especially careful, however, and this can affect the safety and efficiency of the plan. From the nutritional perspective, it can provide your body with many benefits. The program is well planned, relying not on the reduction of any sole food group, but on lowering carbohydrates, poor cholesterols, fats, sugar, white bread, and other none-nutritional food products. This weight-loss program doesn't just rely on reducing the amounts of saturated fats.