The Best Exercise To Lose Weight

best exercise to lose weightThe most effective calorie burning exercises are cardio exercises. While some exercise burn more calories than others, they are of no value if they are of no interest to you. Choose a workout program that works for you. Your program should be challenging but also be something that you look forward to. As with everything, weight loss takes time. Remember that exercise is only a fraction of the journey. The other part revolves around your diet.

The obvious things like walking whenever you can, using the stairs instead of the elevator, simple things like that can make a huge difference over time. Once your fitness has improved, then you can start to take longer walks, and perhaps think about joining you local gym where they can give you a proper fitness plan. One thing I always point out to people is this - if you do go down to your local gym, you will see plenty of FAT people pounding the treadmills and running machines like lunatics, but they are still FAT! You can be really fit, but remain fat, if you exercise the wrong way.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only.

best exercise to lose weight
Slow and steady cardio exercises generally take longer to do but burn more fat than carbohydrates. High intensity cardio exercises, while they may be shorter in duration, burn off carbohydrates first before burning fat. High intensity exercises work well for those with slow metabolisms since the 'after burn' resulting from these types of exercises increases the metabolism long after you've stopped exercising. Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program. Copyright © Ryan Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

5-7 times per week is ideal, but even 4 times per week will get great results if you put in enough effort. Every training session must begin with a warm up of about 5 minutes of easy activity such as walking, easy jogging or any other movement that gets your heart rate up. I guess the reason it's underrated as an exercise to lose weight is that we associate lose weight exercises to building up a sweat, and obviously you don't sweat while swimming (or at least, you don't notice it). However, swimming is one of the best all round exercises. It must be stressed though that swimming needs to be complemented by a good healthy diet plan which looks at eliminating unnecessary calories. Swimming on its own, as with all the exercises mentioned here will not help you to lose weight if your calorie intake remains high, and you have a poor diet.

  • 200 M sprints for 8 times
  • 30 seconds easy
  • The key to dropping weight quickly is to use a slow/fast/slow/fast rhythm to shock the body
  • 100 m sprint X 5
  • 4 Days X Fast walking for 45 minutes
Diet and exercise both are key parts of your losing weight. If you want to chose best exercise, then it'll largely depend on the diet you currently using. For example, you cannot use long slow cardio (jogging 1 hr) if you are implementing low carb exercise. In fact this is the kind of exercise routine every beginner starts with. In fact long session of cardio or aerobics can be really counter productive to your goals. First you need to make a list of your goals, or even better what you want to achieve. Let's say for example your goal is to lose weight in your stomach area. Then you would have to do some research and make a list of the exercises that work on your stomach for example abdominal crunches, or even legs raises.