- Don't treat Calories as your enemy
- Weight training for muscle building
Maybe. But the more important question is, “Will it be safe,
The good news is that you could now rest easy as the 500 calorie diet is here to assist you deal effectively with your weight-loss difficulty. I am a weight loss expert who has been writing on this topic for quite some time and I know for sure that it’s much easier to gain weight rather than lose it. In one of the most celebrated weight-loss feats in recent memory, television talk show host Oprah Winfrey shed 67 pounds in four months on a very low-calorie liquid formula diet. If it worked for her, will it work for you, Maybe. But the more important question is, “Will it be safe, ” Experts are finding that these diets may be dangerous for many people, especially those who are only mildly obese.
Lean muscle burns a lot of calories, so the more lean muscle you have the faster you can burn off weight. Protein rich foods help build lean muscle not only that, they also act as a natural appetite supressant making you feel less hungry and therefore eat less. Low calorie foods don't allow the body to build muscle and will actually result in muscle loss. The less muscle a body has the lower the metabolic rate and the lower the metabolic rate the less fat is burned, so there is the reson why low calorie foods do not work. In fact low calorie diets often mislead people into believing the weight that is lost, which won't be much, is fat loss when in fact it will be water and muscle loss. Bottom line: You will not lose any fat, with a low calorie diet!